Jackson Stewart

Ph.D. Student (CEE)

Graduate Research Assistant, Geosystems
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Subsurface Processes Laboratory

Ph.D. Student (CEE)

Graduate Research Assistant, Geosystems
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Subsurface Processes Laboratory

Office: Mason building, 2140
Email: jstewart337@gatech.edu


Ph.D., Civil Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA, Present
M.Eng., Civil Engineering, University of Louisville, USA, 2024
B.S., Civil Engineering, University of Louisville, USA, 2022

Peng Wang

Visiting Ph.D. Student (CEE)

School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Subsurface Processes Laboratory

Visiting Ph.D. Student (CEE)

School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Subsurface Processes Laboratory

Office: Mason building, 2140
Email: pwang445@gatech.edu


Visiting Ph.D. student, Civil Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA, Present
Ph.D. student, Civil engineering (marine geotechnical engineering), Zhejiang University, China, present
B.S., Civil Engineering (geotechnical engineering), Wuhan University, China, 2020

Research Interests

  • Physical modeling and numerical calculation of hydrate dissociation in marine sediments